Sunday 27 May 2012

Day 8

Another scorcher of a day.  Had big plans, but the heat really slowed me down.  I managed to put up most of the railings - but still have more to do.  I put them in place using "L" brackets above and below 2*2 struts.  Doesn't look the prettiest but they certainly are sturdy.

Getting the screws in was murder as the gap between the rails meant I couldn't get a drill or a screwdriver in.  Luckily, I had a small cordless electric screwdriver I'd received as a Christmas present that saved the day.  I was surprised at the power it had.

It was really hard work today,  what with awkward screws and dodging all the wasps and bees that were buzzing around the laburnum in full bloom.  By the time I'd got all but the back rails in place I was shattered. They and the roofing felt will have to wait till next weekend.

I managed to knacker my electric drill today.  As I was screwing at an awkward angle, I caught the large black piece against one of the "L" brackets.  This resulted in the drill tightening its grip considerably on the screwdriver bit.  It is now firmly in place and I cannot get it out or loosen it in the slightest.  From now on I will only be able to use that drill for screwing philip's head screws.  If I can't sort it out I'll need to buy a new drill next weekend.

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