Saturday 5 May 2012

For some unknown reason I have decided to build my son a tree house for his Birthday in 6 weeks time.  This isn't something I have rushed into - I have been contemplating building a tree house since we first moved to our current house.  There are two main challenges to this project - firstly we don't have a tree big enough or strong enough, secondly I have no aptitude or experience for DIY.  Nonetheless here I am.  My brother-in-law built my niece and nephew the tree house below and as soon as my son saw it, he has been asking for one.
Now there is no way I am going to try and replicate the above - the bro-in-law is a talented artist and DIY expert.  He has set the bar very high - and I'm not going to make myself feel inadequate by trying to emulate this.  I am going for a very basic tree house - which technically wont be a tree house - but a raised play house behind a small tree...  close enough.
First thing is to build a basic platform - so I knocked up a design in Google Sketchup (great little tool once you get the hang of it)

Next I ordered all the wood online using - they were way cheaper than any of the local timber merchants or DIY superstores.  The also sell reject decking - which is slightly discoloured or has one to many big knots it in (fine for a treehouse).  The wood arrived on Thursday and I inspected it this morning::
My son took one look at the piles of timber and asked me "Daddy, where's the 'structions (instructions)?".  When I told him there were none he gave be a funny look...  I think he also feels I've bitten off more than I can chew.  First hitch - they'd delivered the wrong poles (too short).  I had my heart set on starting work this weekend - so I had to pop down to Champion Timer and buy the correct ones (though edecks will collect the old ones and refund me... )  Then I went to screwfix and bought some coach bolts.
Now it rained most of the day - so when it stopped I set myself the target of drilling the holes in the poles and joists.  This required careful measurement and accurate drilling.

Having drilled the four posts that will support the structure and the 2 joints that will support the decking - I decided to put the first 'H' together to check I had drilled correctly.  I hadn't.  I had drilled one hole at a slight angle so the carriage bolt came out at an angle.  Several more drill holes and profanities later - I bolted together the first 'H' - success!!!
I decided to quit while I was ahead.  Part of me was tempted to stick this in the ground, paint it white and tell my son I'd made him some Rugby goal posts...  then use the rest of the timber for expensive firewood next winter.  But no - I will carry on tomorrow and Bank holiday Monday, weather permitting.  Target is to assemble the other 'H' - attach the two together, and get the structure set in concrete in position. Then I'll have a stable base to start laying out the decking.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cormac
    Keep up the good work!
    I said I was going to make Serenity a hope chest, and then an easel.
    Beena bought them online instead. Said it would be cheaper, easier on her nerves....and that Serenity would get them while she was still young enough to enjoy them!
